SSC Return to School Recommendations

Facilities Recommendations

HV AC Systems All campus facilities should have its HVAC systems evaluated for each building. A properly functioning system increases efficiency, reliability, and cost savings. Fully operational HVAC systems allow for the opportunity to incorporate advanced IAQ technologies and equipment directly into the existing systems that increase IAQ while reducing the spread of bacteria and influenza viruses. Landscape Management will also play a role by ensuring all vegetation is managed so that there is ample clearance for all building air intake areas.

SSC has installed and maintains some of the more advanced IAQ technologies, both permanently installed in large HVAC systems and fully portable and mobile equipment:

HEP A SYSTEMS High-Efficiency Particulate Air filters that trap 99.97% of particulates at a minimum of 0.3 microns or larger.


NEEDLEP OINT BIP OLAR IONIZA TION ions produced by patented needlepoint ionization breaks down threats to electron-volt potential into harmless compounds prevalent in the atmosphere such as oxygen, nitrogen, water vapor, and carbon dioxide.

UV light is capable of penetrating the DNA of

microorganisms like mold and disrupting their reproduction cycles, leading to germ elimination.


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