SSC Magazine

Aqueous Ozone

At many of our sites, SSC has adopted the on-site generation of ozone injected into water (aqueous ozone) that temporarily creates a clean- ing solution as safe as water, but testing has shown its efficacy to be up to 50% stronger and 3,000 times faster than bleach. Unlike bleach, aqueous ozone can be used effectively on porous and nonporous surfaces without damage. It is regis- tered with the EPA and is compliant with their Organ- ic Program, and exceeds standards set by WHO for effective sanitation. It’s also a deodorizer that kills mold and mildew. Sounds like magic, right?

Ozone is one of the strongest known oxidants. It can be used to technically burn dissolved com- pounds ( oxidation). The extra oxygen radical in an ozone molecule quickly binds to each component that comes in contact with ozone molecules. This is because of the instability of ozone and its inclina- tion to return to its original form (O2 ) . Both organic and inorganic substances may be oxidized by ozone ( oxidation) and microorganisms such as viruses, bac - teria, and fungi ( disinfection). This causes the extra oxygen radical to be released from the ozone mole- cule and to bind to other materials, so that only pure and stable oxygen molecules (O2 ) are left.

In May of 2023, SSC set the goal for all our sites to meet ISSA’s Green Clean requirements and to carry this commitment forward as part of our standard custodial contract. Safe as water. Stronger than bleach.

Aqueous Ozone, have you heard of it? It has been used to keep us safe and healthy for over 100 years as a method for water purification ( ozonation). More recently, it has been introduced as a safe and effective agent for swimming pools, dental rinses, produce rinses, industrial laundry, and residential and commercial cleaning and disinfecting. Ozone is a molecule that consists of three negatively charged oxygen atoms. The ozone molecule is very unstable and has a short half-life, causing it to revert to oxygen after a time. An ozone molecule is nothing but an oxygen molecule that has received an extra oxygen atom by electric high voltage.

What does this mean for SSC, our clients, and our communities? On-site generation means lowered carbon emissions associated with the manufactur- ing and shipping of supplies. We see landfill diversion from the removal of product pack- aging. It eliminates the health and safety hazards with employees associated with us- ing harsh chemicals. Its disposal is safe for our water systems because it is just water. It protects our most vulnerable populations in ways other cleaning chemicals can’t.

Ozone is most recognizably created during thunderstorms, where ozone forms due to the high voltages in- volved. The specific fresh scent after a thunderstorm is caused by ozone formation. Ozone generators can cre- ate ozone artificially by means of ex- tremely high voltages or UV light. Both methods involve the decomposition of the oxygen molecule. This causes ox- ygen radical formation. These oxygen radicals can bind to oxygen molecules, forming ozone (O3 ) .

Using aqueous ozone removes the risks caused by VOCs found in more traditional chemicals and is safe for asthma sufferers. The toxic quats from harsh disinfectants that can cause burns or cross our skin into our bodies are not present with aqueous ozone. Testing has proven it removes pea- nut protein while still being food safe.

An ozone molecule is an oxygen molecure with an extra oxygen atom acquired from high electric voltage.



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